Rabu, 02 September 2015

the way to give an public speech

Dewasa ini kita di tuntut tidak hanya memiliki IQ (intleqtual question) tinggi dan mendapatkan grade yang tinggi dalam beberapa hal. Akan tetapi kita juga di tuntut untuk memiliki kemampuan sepecial dan lebih specific yang tidak di miliki oleh orang lain seperti; leadership, keterampilan berorganisasi, berbicara didepan publik dan skill yang lain.
Khususnya bagi orang-orang yang berkeinginan untuk go international dan mahasiswa jurusan hubungan international , tentu harus memiliki kemampuan publick speaking yang bagus dalam kanca nasional maupun international.
               Here are some tips when delivering or giving a public speech specially for international students on some big events:
·      Be confidence
·      Body language and hand gesture
·      Speak clearly
·      Eye contact
·      Give a public speech by following and keeping attention on those;
Give the beautiful words (inspirational, motivational statements) before salam
“life is too short to have regret, so guys let’s utilize time as well as possible in order to get drea before get something useless, ladies and gentelment good afternoon and assalamualikum warahmatullahiwabarokatuh”
Or telling and saying about anything “the sun is gonna set to the west, the darkness will come. Don’t let the darkness come to your life but just let the brightness shine your life like the sun does, well everybody assalamualaikum and wellcome to my show”
The great opening is no more then 30 seconds
Ø  Telling the body of speech
Start by saying well or okey
Ø  Cloosing
Conclude and end it without telling more what did we talk about

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